The clog is having its moment. Ours is made for comfort.

Meet the mahabis sereno clog.

As the weather warms up, so begins that annual hunt for the perfect blend of comfortable, practical, but also stylish footwear. Enter the mahabis Sereno clogs—a standout this season among a sea of fashionable yet seemingly uncomfortable slip-on suede clogs (or so the reviews say).


Here are 5 reasons why mahabis sereno clogs are the must-have clogs this summer:

1. Effortless walking

One of the most common issues with open backed clogs is the effort required to keep them on your feet as you walk. The sereno clogs, however, have revolutionised this aspect with their signature neoprene heel cradle.

The neoprene heel cradle ensures that your feet don’t have to work hard to keep the clogs on; it allows your feet, toes and calves to relax and move naturally, providing a walking experience that feels almost effortless.

This is a game-changer, especially for those who are on their feet all day or enjoy long summer strolls.

2. Superior cushioning with energy return sole

The comfort of footwear often lies in its sole, and mahabis sereno clogs excel in this area with their EnergyFlow™️sole.

Unlike other brands that have stiff or flat soles, the sereno’s sole has energy return technology, which offers exceptional cushioning and bounce, even over long distances.

The bottom line is - your feet will feel less fatigued, and foot and shin pain will decrease.

Find out more about our EnergyFlow™️technology here.

3. No sliding around

One of the most annoying issues with many clogs is the sliding around of your feet inside the shoe. This not only causes discomfort but can also lead to blisters and other foot problems.

The mahabis sereno clogs address this issue with their whole-foot style, which prevents any unwanted sliding around.

Your feet stay securely in place, ensuring a stable and comfortable fit throughout the day. This feature is particularly useful when walking on uneven surfaces or during quick movements, giving you the confidence to stride with ease.

4. Customisable Fit with Velcro Strap

Every foot is unique, and finding a pair of clogs that fit perfectly can be a challenge. The Mahabis Sereno clogs offer a customisable fit with their velcro strap. This adjustable strap allows you to easily modify the fit to suit your foot’s shape, ensuring maximum comfort and support.

Whether you have narrow feet, wide feet, or require different adjustments for wearing socks etc, the velcro strap ensures that your clogs always fit just right.

This level of customisation sets the Sereno clogs apart from many other brands that offer a one-size-fits-all approach.

5. Super Cushioning Footbed for Superior Support

The comfort of sereno clogs is further enhanced by their super cushioning footbed. This footbed provides superior support, cradling your feet in comfort with every step. What’s more, the footbed is removable, making it easy to clean (or replace with orthopaedic footbeds).

This is a significant advantage for those who wear their clogs frequently and want to keep them fresh.

The combination of support and easy maintenance ensures that your Sereno clogs remain a staple in your summer wardrobe for years to come.

In a market flooded with clogs that range from the excessively priced to the inadequately comfortable, the Mahabis sereno clogs stand out as the best choice for this summer. Their effortless walking experience, superior cushioning, no sliding design, customisable fit, and super cushioning footbed provide a level of comfort and practicality that is hard to beat. 


Step into a pair of mahabis sereno clogs and discover why they are the ultimate footwear choice for the season. Your feet will thank you.