mahabis design // the living cube

We love the way Swiss designer Till Könneker thinks. When he moved into a tiny apartment without a storage room he saw an opportunity to design something unique. The result is a sturdy but minimalistic cube consisting of shelving for his vinyl collection, a spot for his tv, and racks for his clothes and shoes. On top there is a guest bed and hidden inside is a storage corridor.

The ingenious Living Cube was a big hit amongst friends, family, designers and other people looking to downsize to small, simple living spaces. Könneker now custom builds Living Cubes for individuals and individual spaces available to European and North American customers.

Könneker stresses that no two spaces or people are the same so it is important that each cube is custom-designed. What we also appreciate about Könneker and his furniture is how solid everything is and how he uses natural and handsome woods. 

The storage corridor inside is so simple, yet clever. You can put away your winter clothes and just have your summer ones on display or vice versa. No more clutter.

The designer, himself, has also been known to get up in the guest bed on a sunny afternoon to catch up on his reading. 

The Living Cubes are built in Switzerland in multiple sizes. They are each handcrafted for urban dwellers seeking utility and style. See more of his work at or get your own living cube at

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